Guidelines for Submission of Articles/Books for Review to JGAHS

Submission Deadlines:

Articles:                              End of February of the year in which the journal is to be published.

Books for Review:            End April of the year in which the journal is to be published.

Submission of Articles:

Contributions being submitted for consideration of publication in the Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society MUST be word processed, and should be submitted in hard copy, where possible, with an electronic copy also submitted via email to the Editor of the Journal at juchionna@ Hard and electronic copies should be clearly labelled with the name of the contributor. Authors should retain an exact digital copy of the submitted material.

Images submitted with articles should be in JPEG or TIFF format. Please note that it is the responsibility of the contributor to ensure that all COPYRIGHT issues have been addressed before an image is submitted for inclusion in the journal.

Wordcount: A word count limit of 5,000 words per article applies.  The word count should be clearly indicated in each article submitted. Articles which exceed this limit are unlikely to be considered. 


Articles should be in typescript using TIMES NEW ROMAN font, in 12 point font size, and double-spaced. Hard copies should be submitted on A4 paper, typed and numbered on one side only, with left and right-hand margins of at least 2.5cm. Right-hand margins should not be justified. Only one size and style of type, as well as double-spacing, should be used throughout, for text, extended quotations, footnotes, appendices, etc.

Quoted matter, which should have been carefully checked for accuracy, should be opened and closed by single quotation marks, or, if likely to run to five or more lines, or in other cases (such as lines of verse) should be set full out (i.e. not indented), in the same size font, and with the same spacing, as the article text. The source for each full-out quotation should be separately indicated in a footnote, unless it is clearly linked to the quoted matter in the following context. Use three point ellipses (…) when omitting material within quotations.

Significant quotation (of both printed and manuscript material) in languages other than English should be accompanied by a translation in a footnote, followed by source (in round brackets).

Matter intended for italicisation may be indicated by single underlining.

Acknowledgements of a general nature should appear at the end of the article in a numbered footnote. They should be brief and discreet. An acknowledgement for help with a particular point should appear as a footnote or as part of a footnote, e.g. ‘I am grateful to Kevin B. Nowlan for helping with the dating of this document.’

Although references to sources and any brief explanatory or incidental matter are to be printed as footnotes, they should be presented as endnotes in the typescript or printout submitted to JGAHS.